Albuquerque, NM Streetcar Proposal

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sustainability Review

Well todays review was bitter sweet.  I completely agree with the criticism from my reviewers, however I feel like I am not in the position to make or re-examine how I could incorporate their suggestions. 

I will just have to prioritize their comments and tackle the ones that are manageable, i.e. will take the shortest time or require the minimal revamping.

Their comments in general were spot on.  They understood where I was coming from, although some earlier diagrams could have made my argument easier.  Basically they liked and appreciated the simplicity of the building however found it to be architecturally uninteresting and did not see how the spaces and form making were informed by "bio-synergies"  I admit Bio-synergies has not been my main focus, however I did choose to develop my project in Gateway because of its Eco-district background.  I feel like approaching architecture from and Urban design standpoint has made me value both practices even more, and can now see that it is the balance between the two that allows for the most successes.

They had a lot of ideas and suggestions about how to make my building respond more to climatic and user stimuli, however I worry exploring those route will only leave me high and dry come the final review.

I will take away from this review a little insight to how my final review might go, and begin to think about more thoughtful answers to the tough question that stand before me.

The reviewers appreciated the graphic representation of the ideas and building components and mentioned that it was this clarity that made it so easy to pick at.  That made me smile.   

1 comment:

  1. Nick, Your graphics do a good job of telling a story concisely. if you carefully develop your site aerial perspective, PROPOSAL, FUTURE and building section to be a forest with carefully sited buildings, you will be addressing the BioSynergies challenge. At least those street trees will be getting twice as tall in the Future. Filling in green in the EXISTING diagram would tell you about what you are up against: you should suggest something much stronger than the resource-eating lawns and parking lots.

    Right now, the initial site aerial perspective puts a big building looming over your proposed performance hall, which diminishes its urban presence. If you lopped off the dark grey chunk and put some vertical bays in a 5 story lower block, it would have give more of a humane urban texture.

    A site section should describe the spatial enclosure(s) of the plaza. Suenn's idea of bringing more built structure to it would reinforce the future urban massing. You have pulled building designs out of your hat almost weekly in the last six months so it is possible.
